Friday, November 2, 2007

BLT Tomatoes

Or would that just be "BL Tomatoes??" either way, they're awesome. i've made them as an appetizer and with a meal as a side dish. easy to do and yummy too.

Cherry Tomatoes (i tend to buy the ones on the vine as they're larger than the ones in the container)
Bacon (i use turkey bacon)
Romain lettuce
Dijon Mustard

Cut the stem tops off the tomatoes leaving a hole large enough to stuff the stuff into.

Hollow out the tomato with a paring knife, discarding the innards.

While you're doing this, either fry up or nuke the bacon til crispy. make sure it's crispy bc it's just not the same when it's limp.

Cut up the romaine lettuce (the amount depends on how many tomatoes you're making, but it's really just kind of a garnish anyway. See photo for an idea of how much to use).

In a zipper bag, combine a couple tbsps of mayo and about 1/2 that amount of the mustard (you could also use something spicier or just use chiptole mayo or's up to your taste). When mixed, cut a corner off the bag so you can squeeze the contents out into the tomato.

Start by shoving some lettuce into the tomato (push it down with your finger or a butter knife). Squirt in some mayo. Top with bacon crumbled into little pieces. i use a lot of bacon, but again, it's up to your tastes.

And Voila! You're done. and it's oh so fancy.

[and i can't take all the credit. i got this out of Rachael Ray's Fall magazine]


kay said...

looks pretty!

Cheri said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog- I will be trying this recipe. I love tomatoes and that sounds delicious!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

OK! YUM!!!!

And why have you given up potato chips??

blog author said...

potato chips have like, what, Zero nutritional value? :) i guess that's why. trying to be healthier. and chips and diet coke are my worst vices (and I'm NOT giving up diet coke). So, instead of chips, i slice up an apple real thin so it's crispy like a chip and eat those instead. plus, apples are supposed to be great for warding off cancer and Alzheimer's or something .... i forget.

Jen Hill said...

This looks really yummy!

I tagged you for the "Crazy 8's" meme today.

My favorite potato chip is, "Ruffles sour cream and cheddar" chip."