Thursday, November 1, 2007

Brownie Bites

So, i bought some 'cookies' at the store on the 30th in anticipation of having to bring something with me to a halloween party. Well, all the parties fell thru, so i was left with 24 break and bake cookies in the fridge. Well, today i got a craving, so i opened em up (ah, the joys of working from home...cookies at any time!). But, when i opened them, i realized they were a bit mushier and chocolatier than normal. and super brown chocolaty. so i reread the label, and my oh my.... they're BROWNIE BITES!!! oh wow. so, they bake up and look like cookies, but they taste like brownies. YUMMO!

Go buy some. NOW!


kay said...

technically this is not a recipe

on the other hand WOW!! i have not seen these yet. yum...brownies

Wendi said...

Wow, I'll be on the lookout for those! What a great idea!

blog author said...

i didnt say my blog was ONLY recipes. just about stuff in the kitchen. i keep Zeke's bowls in the kitchen, so maybe i'll talk about what i feed zeke next time. you dont OWN ME!! :)

hahaha...i'm all hopped up on caffeine. can you tell?

kay said...

um excuse me. i think i do own you.

get your facts straight sista